Wednesday, June 11, 2008


If you look up lagan in a dictionary, the proper definition is as follows:

lag·an : goods thrown into the sea with a buoy attached so that they may be found again.

That's me.
Today is my 9th wedding anniversary, in my second marriage. I have three sons, aged 14, 12, and 10. I'm 33.
As I suppose is the norm for many wives and mothers, somewhere along the way I've managed to lose Me. However, unlike a lot of wives and mothers, I set up a buoy, so that I might find my way back. I've kept a journal most of my life. Nine years ago, I moved it from paper to the 'Net, knowing that the man I'd married would never afford me the privacy of my own space, unexplored. Red flag, right?
Today begins my journey back. Today marks Day One of my efforts to remember who I was pre-Marriage Number 2.
Today. I'm reclaiming Me.

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