Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The aftermaths of Mondays

Mondays have a bad rep, and in my tiny spot on the globe, deservedly so. Mondays mean to me (as they do to many people) a return to the work week, the resumption of a million tiny tugs in a million tiny directions. I try to get through them with as much grace as I can but yesterday wasn't really one of those days. To be fair, I was more sassy than pissy but I certainly had my moments of ill temper.
I think because it was a weekend filled to the brim with goodness, it made it all that more glaring that MONDAY. WAS. HERE.
I had a great weekend with the boys, with actual conversation and time spent together in bits and spurts. Between work and schools schedules, it gets tricky sometimes to find that time so I appreciate it even more when we magically  make it happen. Most of our Christmas shopping is done, which is a relief. Now it's just a matter of small things here and there, Trev's shopping which he's put off, and wrappppping. Saturday was my work Christmas party and that was fun. Dinner out and then a club for a few, couple of drinks, some giggles. Fun times. Woke up Sunday morning with a small headache but nothing too horrible and spent the day with Ry and his gf. Overall, a good weekend.
Monday decided it needed to roar a little so coming into work was not enjoyable. Putting out theoretical fires is part of my job as office manager so I'm used to it, just not so lovely when it comes on the heels of a pleasant weekend.
Bad weather, broken printers, employees not acting responsibly and just overall Mondayness meant I was a little...sassy. By day's end, it was good that it WAS ending, we'll just put it like that.
Home and chillaxing was good. Sleep was good. Better perspective today is good.
Reminder to self: just because Life tosses snowballs, doesn't mean you have to get hit by them. Drag out the blow torch and blast those suckers into raindrops and enjoy the rainbow that happens after.


Anonymous said...

Life does tend to have a way of throwing curves, and the results are based on one's interpretations. Focus on the bigger picture. See the light at the end of the tunnel. These everyday little challenges are life's trials, shaping and molding you into the absolutely wonderful person you are. Hope this note finds you well.

Muddling through. said...

I just saw this comment...I'm sorry it took so long to respond. Yes, challenges and I think for the most part..I weather them. Some days are harder than others, I guess. I'm ok...continuing to muddle through. Thank you for the note. It made me smile.