Friday, February 19, 2016

Because I'm happy...

Not much of a title but it IS a song lyric, one that's been running through my head today.
I really AM happy.
Moving to Omaha was a huge step for my little family. I was petrified I was making a gigantic mistake, that we'd end up having to go back to Ohio with tail between legs, broken and broke. Terrified the boys would be unhappy, friendless, unable to adapt to life here. All kinds of scared and second guessing but it's been one of the best decisions we have made as a family. And it really was a family decision: I sat the boys down, we discussed pros and cons, I was 100% honest in all respects and it was a choice we all voted on. Thankfully, it was a group decision. I can't imagine if Bran had decided to stay back in Ohio. It would be like missing a piece of my heart.
They've settled in well, made friends, have jobs, have made this home and that makes my heart so happy.
For the most part, I have too. There are still things to work on: I don't have a friend group outside of work really and I'd really like to explore Omaha a bit more, move outside my comfort zone but time will bring that. Financially, we've never been in as stable a place and it's nice to not have to rely on anyone for help to stay afloat. Independence is hard won for me sometimes and the place I'm in at the moment is a good one.
I've had heartache this last year, ending my relationship with Dee. It's not what I wanted but I think it was not completely unexpected. I knew going in there were issues but I'd hoped we could work through them. Unfortunately NOT the case but in the big picture, we're both better off. Too much fighting, not enough communication, both of us miserable is NOT a good place to be.
Sunshine is flowing inside and out today and I'm making the most of it. I have friends who love me, sons who are healthy and happy and whole, a guy who's become a very close friend with a hint of perhaps something more somewhere down the road, a job that is (for the most part) stable and something I love....Happy is a nice change of pace.

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