Friday, February 12, 2016

NOT an Eff Bomb Friday

Most weeks, Friday is one of my favorite days. Not only because it's the end of the week and the beginning of the weekend but typically because I know when I go home, I'm home for the evening. My sons typically find a ride home from work on Fridays which means once I'm home I can get comfy and just chillax. Being pretty much a homebody, this makes me a happy camper. 
Most Fridays are a joyous day, no matter what slams into them, simply because they are, indeed, Fridays. I know the end is near and it takes a lot to tarnish that shine for me.
Some Fridays are what I call Eff Bomb Fridays, where a terrible no good very bad week culminates in an even worse Friday and it seems I just wanna chuck it all in the fuck it bucket.
Thankfully, today is NOT one of THOSE Fridays. And that, folks, is a miracle of epic proportions after the kind of week I've had work-wise. 
I think I'm keeping things in perspective better this week with the help of a pretty major accident one of my drivers was involved in. I'm thankful that he's alive, that the other driver is alive and that while injuries DID occur, they are manageable. The day of the accident I did like a lot of people do: I went home, hugged my sons, told every single person I care about that I love and appreciate their presence in my life, Facebooked it and then had a pensive, sad moment before bed then had trouble sleeping. That's what everyone does when something like that drops in their laps, right?
Yea...probably not all of it anyway. It's stayed with me this week, though. I have made a conscious effort this week to pay attention even more to the positive things in my life, to appreciate what's in front of me every day and to make sure my loved ones know how much they mean.
Life is short. I know this and I accept it. I work hard to be appreciative of what I have in my life but sometimes...I lose sight of the light at the end of the tunnel or maybe it's just a matter of losing focus. 
This week is not one of those. And this is NOT an Eff Bomb Friday. 
Instead, it's a Friday filled with sunshine (albeit a cold day, the sun warms me from inside my heart, out). It's a Friday filled with a chaotic job that I mostly love and a boss who happens to be in town from Denver to drive me a little batshit crazy but just reminds me that I'm lucky to have a job and how peaceful things are when he's away. It's a Friday filled with a small motley crew of good friends and occasional family members, people who get me and know me and love me in spite of my many, many flaws. It's a Friday filled with an inner peace, my calm in the face of the stormy week. 
It's a good place to be. 

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