Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Yesterday...was an awful day at work. My boss is a handful on GOOD days and yesterday was far from good with him. He's based in another state so for the most part, I run our office here with the help of my head driver and our branch manager (we work for another company).
Every now and again, my boss decides he's not thrown his weight around enough or that he's not being kept in the loop somehow and becomes a tyrant. Yesterday was one of those days. He called me, aggressive from the beginning of the conversation so it quickly escalated into a full on screaming match. I should never, ever, EVER have that sort of situation with my employer. Like...NEVER. I have decent people skills but dissolved in the face of his onslaught. I'm not proud that I let him get to me but I'm also not going to lay down and let him verbally kick me over and over. The ridiculous part is that after calling me a liar, etc. he realized he was wrong and that he was mis-remembering things but never once said he was sorry or apologized for his behavior. That's inexcusable on a basic human level, let alone as an employer. I hung up on him at one point. I'm just not going to listen to someone go off on me like that about something that is a figment of their imagination. He refuses to listen to reason when he's in that state, like a kettle with boiling water needing to let off steam before the shrieking ends. Once he pops his top, he's a little more reasonable but it's ludicrous that it even needs to be that way. I wanted so badly to tell him to fuck himself yesterday and walk but that's not what a responsible me does.
Because as much as I hate his actions, as much as the disrespect is getting to me, I uprooted my sons from everything they knew for this job. I lost the vast majority of my family over our move here. We've put down roots and I need the money I make at this job in order to keep us afloat. Granted there are a bajillion jobs in Omaha but no guarantees I'll make what I'm making here.
So it's a toss up and a weighing of options when I consider NOT working here any longer.
I just..I want what everyone wants: I want to be able to do my job with the knowledge that I'm going to have basic human respect the same as I offer. 

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